Watch the secret world of alex mac for free
Watch the secret world of alex mac for free

watch the secret world of alex mac for free

Can you remember what you did before email, Wi-Fi, or text? For many in the workforce today, the answer is no. Sometimes so much so that it can make people’s heads spin. Telephony has dramatically changed in less than 10 years. It’s the listening and sharing that moves ideas forward. Understanding how people communicate is a large part of what’s driving innovation inside today’s enterprise. And it’s our appreciation for “real talk” that makes Fuze stronger and communication more authentic. Cross-functional conversations make everyone work smarter. Mac is a sales whiz, but a more technical audience also benefits from his perspective. For me (Alex), that means sharing my vantage point to sales so that they have a greater understanding of the engineering side of the business.

watch the secret world of alex mac for free watch the secret world of alex mac for free

The best conversations oftentimes happen with people outside of your expertise. We’re constantly moving from chat to video to web conference throughout entire day. Working remote doesn’t keep us from being attached at the hip. When playing catch up after traveling or to prep for a major training, working from the quiet of your home can help you settle back in and get things accomplished. Flexible work policies help us perform better. Hop in via video, introduce an idea, get the ball rolling, and hold everyone in the room accountable to move it forward. Communication techniques-and the tools that support them-should invite people to get involved quicker and make conversations more dynamic. It’s also the backbone of improved productivity. Feedback is the currency of an improved UX. Ditch the 50-slide training presentations in favor of lean, data-rich decks that provoke deep conversation. How can better communication make your lives easier? We’ve got a few more thoughts on the topic: Before we hit the skies again, we’re back for round two of tips for staying sane in the modern workplace based on our experience on the road. Remember us? Since our last post we’ve jumped on planes from Seattle to New York and hopped on trainings with Australia and London offices.

Watch the secret world of alex mac for free